While developing your dancing skills you should not be surprised if you:

* Get more fun and enjoyment out of your social life
* Enjoy increased self confidence
* Meet new people and make new friends
* Improve your overall health
* Feel more at ease in social situations
* Find the exercise and fitness you’ve wanted
* Make your partner happy
* Enjoy attending more parties
* Find your business relationships improving
* Acquire more grace and poise
* Dress up and have fun
* Overcome shyness
* Relieve stress
* Stand out on the dance floor
* Never say “no” to a dance invitation
* Discover recreation or entertainment in a new way
* Feel refreshed and relaxed

Dancing: The Ideal Exercise

Exercising by jogging (outdoors or on treadmill) is not an attractive alternative for many people.

Dancing is a mild form of aerobic workout and dance lessons make exercise a fun and enjoyable social event any night of the week. Your dance “workout” is beneficial in many ways:

* Athletes often include dance training to sharpen control, agility, speed and balance.
* Dance contributes to good posture and body alignment
* Dance encourages gentle stretching
* Dance increases your flexibility and stamina
* Dance benefits your cardiovascular system as you swing and sway from hip to shoulders

Dancing: A Romantic Alternative

The romantic properties of dance are a secret that all good dancers enjoy:

* Men feel confident when they recognize which dance is being played and have the ability to walk
across the dance floor and ask a lady to dance.
* Women will enjoy being asked to dance knowing they have mastered the grace, poise, styling and
important following skills of a trained dancer.
* Couples can add the romantic skill that come with the holding, touching and moving to the music
that dancing provides.
* Single people can meet new friends as dancing provides a natural icebreaker and becomes a
common denominator in any crowd.


A tailored program at Absolute Dance Studio is all you need to turn your dancing and romantic life around.